The National Association of Licensing and Compliance Professionals (NALCP) is a professional trade association comprised of various Member companies that engage in on and off premises alcoholic beverage sales and service. NALCP’s Member representatives are in-house professionals specializing in complex retail liquor licensing and compliance matters and other regulatory issues. Formed in 2006, NALCP is the first and only organization of its kind to provide education, services, networking, and support to the retail tier.
Member companies include restaurants, entertainment venues, hotels, grocery stores, pharmacies, online retailers, convenience stores, and other retail tier businesses.
NALCP Associate Members are comprised of law firms, consultants, and service providers that specialize in alcoholic beverage law, licensing, and compliance, all providing a wide range of support to the industry.
If you’d like access to a vast network of retail tier professionals from all 50 states and Canada, industry discussion forums and content, and access to our annual conference featuring regulators from various licensing jurisdictions across the country, consider joining NALCP today! Send all inquiries to info@nalcp.com.
Connecting with other Members over similar retail liquor issues and sharing best practices has been invaluable.