At the start of his legal career, while serving as a staff attorney at TABC, Dewey not only prosecuted contested cases, but also helped develop many of the regulations and procedures currently in place. As a former Texas Assistant Attorney General, Dewey also represented TABC in state district and appellate courts. After a combined ten years representing TABC, Dewey spent 14 years in legal practice at the Am Law 200 firms Gardere, Wynne & Sewell LLP and Foley & Lardner LLP. Dewey understands the need to work on a collaborative basis with regulators while advocating for clients’ business needs and timelines.  Dewey represents clients in all segments of the food and beverage industry.  His clients include restaurants, bars, hotels, sports stadiums and amusement parks, private equity firms, beer/wine/spirits manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers of all alcoholic beverages, nascent and established, large and small.